Trench convectors


Trench convectors provide not only economical space heating, but also the thermal comfort of its users by separating the zone screen glazing stream by warm air and, of course, additional heating of the space.

The assortment of TM Hitte fits for residential, office, commercial spaces, showrooms, exhibition halls, hotels and other interiors.


In places with any kind of glass walls or windows, where the attention focuses on quality, functionality, form, and actuality.


Trench convectors Hitte made by Hitte, are based on a physical process called – “convection”. “Convection” is a large vertical movement of air caused by a difference in temperature of its particles, when in accordance with the temperature rising the particles rise to the top.


Trench convectors provide not only economical space heating, but also the thermal comfort of its users by separating the zone screen glazing stream by warm air and, of course, additional heating of the space.


Using the best heat-exchanger materials, together with optimum quantity and production technology, the company offers highly efficient product Hitte, compared with medium-normal energy saving products existing on the market.


High dynamics of Interior heating is caused by a very slight amount of heated water.

Thus, achieved substantial savings in operating costs when the world energy prices groove up. For comparison, it is worth noting that in traditional steel radiators with equal thermal power is used from seven to ten times more water. It follows that needs much more energy to heat a heating volume.


Heat exchanger Hitte TM are made from the best conductive materials based on copper, aluminum, and brass. All the parts of the heat exchanger are optimally adjusted in shape and size.

copper pipe pressing are maximally automatized, that guarantees a minimum number of moves, and therefore the highest build quality products and as a consequence, the maximum functionality during long-term exploitation.


To apply the convection heaters has a lot of advantages, here are the main ones:

•        Has a positive effect on the Interior;


•        When the damage can be repaired only by opening the grille does not require destruction of the floors;


•        Install anywhere;


•        Using any size and any shape;


•        Minor weight does not build additional loads on the design of the dwelling;


•        More economical ;


In rooms with very high ceilings applying convectors is very efficient. We will be glad if the above information will be useful to you and you choose the Hitte products. We guarantee that it will satisfy you with work and quality, bring fun and comfort for many years.

Request a live presentation of the convector or get a demo sample of the convector
Need a consultation?
Andrii Stetsovskyк

Commercial Director - Hitte S.R.O.

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